life is interesting as well as boring
bahh,i dunt think i have any heart to blog seyy
its like,expressing ma feeling publicity..??
izzi'nt dat like,WTH..darn!
i'ma type dat keeps it confined between maself
and to dose whom are close to me
not publish it fer everyone to read.. baga!!
so this would most probably be the only post fer Agust
thus,there would be less of me from now on
untill this part of me change,life goes on...
and yeah..wheepin by the nights dat crawl between
oh2,one more thing.."I need a DATE"...
tsk,to whoever yg paham,bahh..
bahh,i dunt think i have any heart to blog seyy
its like,expressing ma feeling publicity..??
izzi'nt dat like,WTH..darn!
i'ma type dat keeps it confined between maself
and to dose whom are close to me
not publish it fer everyone to read.. baga!!
so this would most probably be the only post fer Agust
thus,there would be less of me from now on
untill this part of me change,life goes on...
and yeah..wheepin by the nights dat crawl between
oh2,one more thing.."I need a DATE"...
tsk,to whoever yg paham,bahh..