Friday, August 14, 2009

Post Moderation Subjection (Tralalalaa)

Okaae... So i guess i betta start posting beofre otha people anyhow do it.. -__-'
Aye aye,soo wad shall i sae here.. hummmmmmmmm~

Its been long since ma last post,well...wae too long..
and alot has happned here in ma life..
i guess i culd sae ma silence speaks much of ma attitude..
lately i went thru harsh moments in life..well not all are harsh..
honestly,dere are also sweet moments..
as people mite sae,dere's alwaes a balance in things..
one part gud and another part sour...

lemme break it down atleast... here it goes...

afta she got attached,i lost her..well not entirely..
and not only her,but more.. i wont mention,i guess dey demselves noe who..
it was a silent week i recalled,pretty much peacefull..
just as i was enjoying it,life got me another punch-line..
as i expected,one by one came beck.. heh!
and yeah,as wad Enchik alwaes do,wuld welcome dem beck agaen...
so it went well beck agaen,and ummm,kinda got more complicated as well..
got ma emotions mixed up,in the process...
i thot i got over it,and promised not to went thru wif it animore..
but self-promisses juz neva hit me,and instead got hit me hard crash!
juz as i was trying to allow maself to learn,i was turned down and rejected..
kinda amusing to see maself beck den,still remember da pain..
i lowered down ma guard and dats wad will happen..
learn ma lesson very well beck dere... yeah,and it jus has to be the hard wae uh~

another approach of silence in life,dis time,from EVERYTHING...
and was longer den a week,shocking revelation it was actualie...
i adapt,as usual i filtered maself and dis tyme i make sure its THICK..
bring maself up and bought a new immunity..
juz as i thot i passed,dere comes ma past,suddenly pop ryte in front of me...
well,a guy like me,wad else wuld i do.. i absorb...
and i think i did a lil too much...and got hooked up...
yeh,wrong move...i noe,hilarious are'nt i..?
making mistakes afta mistakes,agaen and agaen..
and i juz HAVE to leanr it da HARD wae..
luckily dis time around i was mentaly and emotionaly prepared..
it only strike me by ma beck,not in da heart..
shield it off well,cause i already knew wads comming..

yes,i savour every moment of it,cant help to admit it..
ofcourse who wuld'nt..? its da memories dat creates who i was..
cherish every bits i culd and gobble it down hard ma throat!
sweet and poison,i noe its like drinking wine...
yeah,and in the end,i bounce maself ryte beck where i start...
here and agaen,left me off wif zero clue...

soo time passes,i just spent it wif games and got maself a new skill..
tho it may not be helpful much in life,i guess it will have its uses in future..
u may neva noe wad life has to offer from time-to-time...
i'd sae it was an adventure afta another,and it neva ends..
gets harder and higher,it'll neva perk and it'll just boost up and up..
so i juz climb and climb,run and run.. wind blows,yes,but i wont let it lure me..
i choose ma path,and i already made it clear,crystal clear to all..
and dey noe who i am now,and wad i really want..

im a think book,my bark is poison,ma bite is lust..
ma emotions devour,ma senses darkened,ma body wild..
i revive easily,i repel even further,i leap even higher..
i fall hard,i crack the ground,den i budge ma wae out..
i draw lines yellow,i paint the walls black,i dye ma heart white..
i wore a mask before,i threw it awae,i show maself now...
ma mind no longer controls me,ma hearts desires no longer affects me..
ma spirit roam lost freely,ma guts build inside me..
the aches still scars,the pain still dere,but immune i will be,
as i promised maself to be,neva agaen let it devour me..
alwaes cautions,alwaes aware,neva to trust,neva to judge..
let it be da wae it is,let it grow so slowly..
as time is an ally,and fate is enemy..
and god has his plans,
and i am prepared...