mann~ its massive..
i wonder why its so hard fer other pple to just understand wad i meant
izzit dat soo hard to put a lil sense to dem..?
do i seriously got a sign on ma forehead sayin "keep the fuck away from me"..??
i dunt bloody care even if it means a single shit out
honestly,i just wanna make peace,wads so hard about dat.??
i noe i do wrongs before but cmon',whose aint human..
if a simple greetin er a werd of motivation just dosent go ryte
tell me wad would..? huh..??
if a simple werd of "hello" just means "fuck off"
tell me wads the point of seeking forgiveness..
its ironic to think that wad had come to past i tot would be erased by time
it dosent seeemed like so at all,thus worthless
perhaps im just not maself when im typin all this shit out
maybe i need unconsciousness to tell the freakin shit in me to stuck out
therefore...i conclude dis post as an expression of rage
sheesh.. -.-'
....................................................... i look cool huh?..

-Optimus Prime leader of the Autobots-
could i myself be a leader in life..?
er another person dat blends through life...
question at stake..bahh!! =0
i wonder why its so hard fer other pple to just understand wad i meant
izzit dat soo hard to put a lil sense to dem..?
do i seriously got a sign on ma forehead sayin "keep the fuck away from me"..??
i dunt bloody care even if it means a single shit out
honestly,i just wanna make peace,wads so hard about dat.??
i noe i do wrongs before but cmon',whose aint human..
if a simple greetin er a werd of motivation just dosent go ryte
tell me wad would..? huh..??
if a simple werd of "hello" just means "fuck off"
tell me wads the point of seeking forgiveness..
its ironic to think that wad had come to past i tot would be erased by time
it dosent seeemed like so at all,thus worthless
perhaps im just not maself when im typin all this shit out
maybe i need unconsciousness to tell the freakin shit in me to stuck out
therefore...i conclude dis post as an expression of rage
sheesh.. -.-'
....................................................... i look cool huh?..

-Optimus Prime leader of the Autobots-
could i myself be a leader in life..?
er another person dat blends through life...
question at stake..bahh!! =0